Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sofea's first word

She has been making 'noises' for a while now. Mmg byk mulut budak ni, just like Ayah Piya.

She will make 'mamamamama' when she cry for milk. Does that count as her first word? hmmm..i doubt it, although I really want it to be her first word.

And lately she began to understand bye-bye and associate it with waving her hand. Sgt comel ok.. and these past few days, she said it ethusiastically sambil waving2 ceria- babababababababa!! (bye bye)

Well, I guess itulah dia first word Sofea - bye bye.....huhuhuhu..bila nak sebut mama ni??? :(

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Faces of Sofea - 9 mths old

Esok genap la 9 bulan umur Sofea.

Anak mama dah besar, makin cerdik..makin cantik! :)

Mama doakan Sofea membesar dgn sihat dan bijak, jadi anak yg solehah, jadi manusia yg berguna, suka membantu org, suka menggembirakan org, HORMAT org lebih tua dan semua yg baik2 la...AMIN..

Mama loves you so much and remember this always..This is my promise to you, Sofea - I am always here for you. I'll be there to guide you. I'll be there when u get your first menses. I'll be there to mend your first broken heart (hopefully takde,la), I'll be there when u are happy and sad and InsyaAllah...I'll be there when you become one lucky guy's wife.

And I will be in the labour room with you when you are about to deliver my grandchild - just like what Maktok did with me..

I love maktok :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mama yg Giler Shopping part 2

Sofea is now learning to stand up on her own (jatuh je byk hehe)... I was excited la like any new mommy would be. I saw these walker at Jusco nearby my ofc..cam best je. I esp like vtech punya..i think vtech has better quality toys than fisher price etc based on my experience la...

There are 2 types:
Mula2 I almost bought the one with steering tu because Sofea fondness of steering :)
But terbantut niatku bila tgk ada gambo ba alif ba ya on one of the key...alamak.....

So, I bought the 1st pic punya after doing my online research etc...it has gotten good reviews, and it was on sale at Babyland Summit....mama yg rakus pun apalagi...beli la...

So far, she enjoys playing with it..tp dia still tak reti nak tolak that thing. Slow slow ok sayang...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mama yg Hantu Shopping..

Oh please..how do i control my shopping nafsu? If masa bujang trang tang-tang I can't control myself to buy shoes, handbags etc...now dah ada Sofea, I can't control myself buying stuff foe her! I love looking at her toys, her dresses..even her food!

I think I've spent thousands on her stuff alone...let's see what's the damage

1) Lamaze PlayGym - dah tak pakai pun sekarang. but I dont regret buying this becoz Sofea loved playing with it. Now she's getting bigger, she prefers more adventurous toys..shld I keep this for future anak or sell it off?

2) Bumbo seat - lime green - terexcited tgk review dlm web..so decided beli je la. Torn between kaler purple or green ni..lastly bought the green colour sbb unisex sket..mana la tau in 2 yrs time Sofea ada adik boy pulak, kan?
3) Fisher Price Rocker - adoi...mama and Ayah Piya terpedaya. Masa Sofea around 3-4 mths, diakan payah to please..nak tidokan pun pyh, asyik nangis je. So, nampak kt Anakku this rocker, kitorg letak dia dlm rocker ni and she seemed to enjoy it very much! mama pun happy la...terus tak pikir pjg..beli. Sampai sekarang tak pakai...nasib baik ada Nuha. Blh dia pakai masa kt rumah Maktok :PByk lagi actually..tp segan la nak post sini. Nampak sgt mama rakus bershopping. Tp sebenarnya, niat mama nak Sofea happy..tgk dia suka sesuatu, mama pun beli.

Oh, her latest interest - Classical music! So mama bought her CD classical music hahahahaha...mahal tau!

Faces of Sofea - 8 months old

Sofea is currently 8 months old..going on 9 months old 23 dec ni.

At 8 mths, she fell of bed for the first time. We were so lucky that her playpen kinda slowed down her falling process. So, dia takde apa..nangis sikit je, then gelak2..

Mcm mana nak train her to stay in her playpen ek? IS it my fault for not introducing her sleeping alone from her early mths? I'm fully BF so senang if she sleep with me. Sekarang I felt a pang of regret tak ajar dia tido sorang dlm playpen dia.

U shld see her crying her hearts out bila kena tinggal dlm playpen....sedih sgt la konon..manja betul anak mama sorang ni.

Dia pun dah nampak ciri2 nak merangkak dah...blh la few steps, pastu dia malas and prefer to slide her body or guling2..lagi laju gamaknya kan?

And..at 8 mths old, she got her first haircut! Cut fringes dia je sbb dah masuk mata sgt2..semak la mama tgk! tp mama yg terlebih pandai gunting telah berjaya men'cacat'kan fringe Sofea...inilah hasilnya....SORRY SAYANG!

Oh lupa..on 1 Muharam hari tu, I was feeding her raisins (her fav) then terperasan rasa keras2 kt gusi dia..YEEEHAAA..finally, her gigi muncul jua! tp baru 1 kt bwh..mesti kelakar Sofea ada 1 gigi je..hopefully the rest will show up soon!

Faces of Sofea - 7 months old

Hmm..at 7 mths old apa Sofea dah pandai?

Suka stare kt org esp jejaka yg gelap2..I always accused Ayah Piya asyik kwn dgn bangla ms aku preggy yg menyebabkan Sofea ada fondness towards them :P

Suka menyeringai (sengih luas2 sambil mata dia yg bulat jd sepet)

Suka dance - dia gelek bontot (dlm walker) and pusing2 wrist dia..alahai anak mama....

Baru nak cubaan mengangkat bdn..tp dlm walker dia dah lajuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..tak terkejar eden

Yg ni sweet sgt - kalau mama dia tgh upset, she somehow can sense it and dia akan peluk kita and kiss kita..pandai tak? I was soo amazed.. betul la org kata anak ni peneman, penyejuk hati, pengikat kasih and semua2 la...

She still traumatized kena tinggal dgn maktok masa dia 3-4 mths old dulu (mama kena gi kelas)..until now, dia takut dgn maktok. Our theory was that, she somehow associated maktok dgn kena tinggal dgn mama...maybe that's why until now, dia tak berapa nak kat maktok. kesian maktok tau..she loves you soooo much! maktok selalu cakap," takpe, maktok sabar tunggu sofea pandai" ..huhuhuhu..i felt so bad...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faces of Sofea - 6 months old

Cepat masa berlalu..in Aug 2010, Sofea turned 6 months...

At 6 mths old, dia demam for the first time. Dia ikut mcm Ayah Piya..jarang demam tp kalau demam sekali, terus teruk. I was sooo worried. Tp dia not as cranky as expected..demam tp baik je budaknya. Cian dia demam....huhuhu

Faces of Sofea - 5 months old

I want to be a good mom so bad. I wanted to follow Doc's rule...dont feed ur child solid before she turns 6 mths old. Isu ni sampai jd gaduh laki bini. Mak pun kata bagi je la..dia lapar tu. Adoi, ditelan mati mak, diluah mati ayah betul la....

I think a lot of us new, modern mum have this kind of problem. Actually my mom ok, dia takde la bising2...tp Ayah Piya yg bising...dia suruh start jugak bg solid. Sbb piya tak berapa suka minum FM, she was getting thinner, crankier and difficult to handle.

Defeated. I went to the store and bought few tiny bottles of baby food. I read carefully and picked yg ada tulis from 4 months old punya.

Mmg she enjoyed her food so much. OK la..janji anak mama happy.

Faces of Sofea - 4 months old

In this entry, I let's talk about breastfeeding.
Before Sofea was born, I did alot of reading in the net etc...I was determined to gave her full BM until at least 6 months. I was soo determined sampaikan kat hospital, I told the nurses I wanted to fully BF my daughter.

Tp lepas bersalin, susu tak keluar. Mcm mana ek? Penat nurse2 tu tolong urut etc..my breast tak bengkak langsung pun, mcm takde susu. At the nursey, we can actually borrow their pump. So I went there try to pump..at least dpt bagi dia colostrum tu pun dah amat2 puas hati la...

I pump and pump and pump sampai penat la.....keluarnya secoet je. Peduli apa aku, tu yg paling berkhasiat tu...I asked the nurse to feed Sofea with beberapa titis BM aku tu.

But she was a hungry, crying baby...second day kat hospital, aku tak sampai hati biar dia berlapar....I let the nurse fed her formula. I regret the decision sampai skang.

Tp Sofea pandai..she knows what's best for her...

After the hospital incident and few days lepas balik, my milk still blm ada. Kalau ada pun she can't latch properly and she was impatient. Marah kalau tak dpt susu. Anak tahun rimau, garang betul!

Then, hasil google..I ordered Medela nipple shield with hope that she can latch properly from here. Voila! berjaya...and she happily suckled her milk :)

Happy sgt masa tu...rs mcm betul2 berjaya menjadi mama yg baik. I continued using tha shield sampai la my nips tu timbul sendiri dan dia dah blh latch.

Since then, I exclusively bf her till she turned 4 mths old. Then I had no choice but to top up with FM. Sbb apa? Coz my job was a bit demanding at that time. I had no time to pump at work. And to pump, I have to travel all the way down from 17th floor to 4th floor dgn lift yg mcm pun**k tu. And she started to drink more and more milk..apa yg I supplied daily was not enough dah.

So, to top-up to my BM, we decided to gave her FM. Then we discovered new thing plak..she was allergic to FM. Doc said it was protein allergy. We tried 5 brands of FM tp semua tak blh..red dots appeared keliling mulut dia. Lastly I gave her NAN HA1. OK...alhamdulillah. Tp cabaran baru - she hates that milk..still do till today. Paksa bg, dia minum about 2-3oz je..tu pun sbb lapar sgt dah kot.

Oh well, dia pandai...as I said, she knows what's best for her..HER MAMA'S MILK :)

Faces of Sofea - 3 months old

Asyik letak muka control comel je...nah bg satu muka ngamuk Sofea :P

Faces of Sofea - 2 months old

Sofea turned 2 months on 23 May 2010. I had to go back to work soon..Bila ingat balik 1st day tinggalkan dia, my heart sgt2 berat. I was heartbroken...rasa mcm fail to be a good mother sbb tak dpt nak jaga dia sepenuhnya. And I missed her sooooo much!

Sofea was a crancky baby..first few months mmg sgt2 mencabar.

She cried a lot esp when she is sleepy. We tried buaian, tu pun kejap je dia nak.....she only sleep soundly when I am beside her with her 'milk supply' ready and available next to her...ngada2 tau!

Look at her, baru 2 bln dah mcm 6 mths old baby

Faces of Sofea - 1 month old

One month old...mata kana dia bertaik, kesian Sofea. I search high and low for remedies to help reduce this taik mata. From my reading, it is caused by blocked tear duct. Remedy? Paling mujarab titiskan BM ke mata dia. I tried few times tp tak berhasil pun...

Finally we went to her paed and get med for the eye. After few days, dah ok dah...till now. Alhamdulillah...

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Confinement

We stayed in Hospital Pantai Ampang for 3 nights. Sofea has a bit of jaundice and has to be put under the light. Sikit je pun...ngada la paed dia ni.

Once we check out, we head straight home to Maktok and tok ayah. Funny thing was, I asked Ayah Piya to put in the car all the stuff that I'm gonna bring to my parents house...dia pi packed SEMUA. Our tiny car was packed with baby's item, muat2 utk mama and Sofea at the backseat.

Ayah Piya got carried away la.. isk isk

March 23, 2010

This is a blog dedicated to my sweet daughter, Sofea.

She was about 1 week overdue. I was anxious like any other new mother would be. And finally on her actual EDD, she decided to make her entrance. Hello World, Here I Come!

She was the loveliest little smiling human being I had ever laid eyes upon. I feel in love at the first sight. It was magical. So unreal. It's still unreal.

She was born Tuesday, 23 March 2010, 4.30pm. 8 months later, her mama decided to make her existence known to cyberworld.

Say hi Sofea...