Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faces of Sofea - 4 months old

In this entry, I let's talk about breastfeeding.
Before Sofea was born, I did alot of reading in the net etc...I was determined to gave her full BM until at least 6 months. I was soo determined sampaikan kat hospital, I told the nurses I wanted to fully BF my daughter.

Tp lepas bersalin, susu tak keluar. Mcm mana ek? Penat nurse2 tu tolong urut breast tak bengkak langsung pun, mcm takde susu. At the nursey, we can actually borrow their pump. So I went there try to least dpt bagi dia colostrum tu pun dah amat2 puas hati la...

I pump and pump and pump sampai penat la.....keluarnya secoet je. Peduli apa aku, tu yg paling berkhasiat tu...I asked the nurse to feed Sofea with beberapa titis BM aku tu.

But she was a hungry, crying baby...second day kat hospital, aku tak sampai hati biar dia berlapar....I let the nurse fed her formula. I regret the decision sampai skang.

Tp Sofea pandai..she knows what's best for her...

After the hospital incident and few days lepas balik, my milk still blm ada. Kalau ada pun she can't latch properly and she was impatient. Marah kalau tak dpt susu. Anak tahun rimau, garang betul!

Then, hasil google..I ordered Medela nipple shield with hope that she can latch properly from here. Voila! berjaya...and she happily suckled her milk :)

Happy sgt masa mcm betul2 berjaya menjadi mama yg baik. I continued using tha shield sampai la my nips tu timbul sendiri dan dia dah blh latch.

Since then, I exclusively bf her till she turned 4 mths old. Then I had no choice but to top up with FM. Sbb apa? Coz my job was a bit demanding at that time. I had no time to pump at work. And to pump, I have to travel all the way down from 17th floor to 4th floor dgn lift yg mcm pun**k tu. And she started to drink more and more milk..apa yg I supplied daily was not enough dah.

So, to top-up to my BM, we decided to gave her FM. Then we discovered new thing plak..she was allergic to FM. Doc said it was protein allergy. We tried 5 brands of FM tp semua tak dots appeared keliling mulut dia. Lastly I gave her NAN HA1. OK...alhamdulillah. Tp cabaran baru - she hates that milk..still do till today. Paksa bg, dia minum about 2-3oz je..tu pun sbb lapar sgt dah kot.

Oh well, dia I said, she knows what's best for her..HER MAMA'S MILK :)

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